"New Case" received means new application received. Case opened, but validation checks not started.
"Validation checks being carried out" means the application is being checked to determine if we can investigate.
"Case validated: waiting to hear from the authority." Validity checks carried out - we can investigate. Waiting for the authority to give us comments and any withheld information.
"Case validated: initial assessment before allocation to investigator". Comments and withheld information received from authority. Head of Enforcement assessing case to determine complexity and sensitivity.
"Case validated: initial assessment done - to be allocated to investigator." Case assessed and allocated to a team leader for allocation to an investigator.
"Allocated to investigator." Case allocated to investigator, but work on investigation not started.
"Investigation ongoing." Investigation ongoing. Includes time spent drafting the decision.
"Decision submitted for first level approval." The investigator has submitted the draft decision to their team leader for first level approval.
"Decision submitted for second level approval." The team leader has submitted the draft decision to the Commissioner or Head of Enforcement for final approval.