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Strategic and Operational Plans

Strategic and operational plans

The Scottish Information Commissioner is required to lay a four-year Strategic Plan before the Scottish Parliament, on how the Commissioner proposes to perform his or her functions during that four year period.

In March 2020 the Commissioner laid a new Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2024 before the Scottish Parliament. 

Download our Strategic Plan 2020 to 2024.

The vision

The impact of Freedom of Information is increased, being recognised and valued as the key enabler of openness and transparency of public functions in Scotland, enhancing people's right to access the information that matters to them

Strategic objectives

To realise this Vision, the Commissioner's office will:

  • Increase knowledge and understanding of FOI rights
  • Enable and support high standards of FOI policy and practice
  • Develop Scottish public sector culture and practice where the proactive disclosure of information is routine and valued
  • Influence and support the development and strengthening of Scottish FOI law and practice
  • Contribute to Scotland being respected as a world-leader in openness and transparency
  • Be recognised as an organisation of independent and trusted experts that is run efficiently, governed effectively and is open and transparent
Operational plan

Each year, the Commissioner also publishes an annual Operational Plan, which sets out the specific programme of activity we will deliver over the year, in pursuit of the key strategic themes set out in the four-year plan. Our current plan is available below:

Download our Operational Plan 2023-2024

British Sign language (BSL) draft plan for 2024-2029

We have drafted a British Sign language (BSL) Plan 2024-2029.  It's currently in it's consultation phase which means we are asking those in BSL communities to feedback.  We value your views and welcome any feedback you may wish to make on our draft plan before Tuesday 12 November.  

There are several ways you can respond to us including - see Contact Us 

British sign language plan 2018-2023

The Scottish Information Commissioner has published a BSL plan, in line with the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015. It sets out the 14 actions we will take in the period 2018-2023 to improve access to information and services for BSL users.

Our Plan starts from the principled position that BSL is a language in its own right and that BSL users, like all other citizens of Scotland, have the right to engage with and access information about the Scottish Information Commissioner and our services when they so choose, without unnecessary barriers, including language barriers.

Download the plan: The Commissioner's British Sign Language (BSL) Plan (PDF). 

Scottish Information Commissioner BSL Plan 2018-2023