As in other situations, concerns about the actions of an elected representative or board member should normally be raised with the organisation in the first instance. Local councils, the Scottish Parliament and public bodies will typically have codes of conduct that must be followed, and organisations will consider possible failures to comply.
Other organisations that provide support are:
Ethical Standards Commissioner
The Ethical Standards Commissioner investigates complaints about the behaviour of MSPs, local authority councillors, and board members of public bodies and about lobbyists. The Ethical Standards Commissioner also regulates how people are appointed to the boards of public bodies in Scotland.
Visit the Ethical Standards Commissioner's website to find out more.
The Standards Commission for Scotland
The Standards Commission for Scotland is responsible for promoting the codes of conduct covering the behaviour of councillors and those appointed to the boards of Scottish public bodies. The Standards Commission also adjudicates on alleged breaches of the codes of conduct.
Visit the Standards Commission for Scotland website to find out more.